Monday, April 17, 2006

ShivaSamudra Trip

Thus spake Govind:
The story did not end abrupt as such... more scenes on the way

"THE" Bike Trip

Scene 0: i woke up at 4 o clock waiting for the rest of the ppl to get ready...n as usual everyone was late
Scene 1:
Scene 2:
Scene 3: We felt very hungry ,so we had lunch.
Scene 4: We got tired , so we had food just to get energy.
Scene 5: We started climbing the hill n got we had some drinks
Scene 6: the hill was very steep, we were exhausted n so we had some food
Scene 7: It was very hot n so we got tired n so we had some food
Scene 8: It was very late by the time i realised thet i ate a bit too much n so i could not climb
Scene 9: As there is no point in climbing high..we sat there n just had some more food
Scene 10: i was waiting for the rest of the enthus to get down...n i thought it is better to have some food rather than just waiting.
Scene 11: we got down n just because the coconuts were low at price, we had a few coconuts
Scene 12: We drove back n got tired n so had some pakoda n chai
Scene 13: We were almost near penya n just coz there is some bhaba we just stopped n had some chciken...
Scene 14: It was late by the time we were back in bnglore ....i mean it was dinner we had dinner

n that was how the trip was very memorable to me n all of us.


Thus spake Haddi:

I guess your plot needs a consideration for the next blog.....I believe u must have lost a lots weight becoz of u getting starved in the trip...:)....

Thus spake Govind:

i really starved in the trip.....but thats fine....we dont go to trips for eating .....from next trip onwards we will better pack some food from home so that we are always on the safe side.....wat say guys??

Thus spake Burli:

to solve eating problem we can hire a truck or something and can load it with stuffs like cool drinks, beer, soda,whisky, chicken, rice and all that we can have on the way.
truck will follow us and whenever we feel like we can take a brake and have it.
it is well said----aakhir hum kamatey(lakho mein) kyun hai....khaney key liye (-;

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Muslim anti-Bush rallies and CPI/SP

Why did the great trumpet beater of secularism (secular parties like Samajwadi Party and CPI) went on the dais in Bush bashing, Denmark bashing, Isreal bashing and God knows what-bashing, with clergies and fanatics of a particular religion? If these parties are so secular (not favouring any religion, as thier dictionary says) then they should not have shared any stage with anyone, who adhers to a particular religion.It seems that they favour or hate people or concept depending on the criterion other then ethics.